Nice to meet you!
check out our group photos

The ministry of Grace continues through our members. Take a glimpse back to Christmas 2011; Bell Tower associates 2015; Food Bank workers 2015; Mardi Gras gathering 2015; & enjoying a ball game 2017.
The ministry of Grace continues through our members. Take a glimpse back to Christmas 2011; Bell Tower associates 2015; Food Bank workers 2015; Mardi Gras gathering 2015; & enjoying a ball game 2017.
Serving Grace since 2007
Pastor Rich was called by Grace on his graduation from Seminary. In addition to being our minister he is an active member of the community serving in the Kiwanis organization and as a Coast Guard chaplin.
Our Church Secretary
Lorie Souther is our church secretary and daily contact person. Lorie is new to the position and learning quickly. Take a moment to drop in to the office and say Hello!
President - Mike Cape
Vice President - Bonnie Dupre
Board Secretary - Bridgette Rudnik
Treasurer - Jeannie Thalheim
Financial Secretary - Lisa Giroir
Member at Large - Jerrie Fitzgerald
Member at Large - Bridgette Kinsella
Elders - Joe Deane, Joey Souther, and John Wegner