frequently asked questions

We are here to minister and to serve. If you have any unanswered questions, contact us for answers. We would like to hear from you.

Church Related Questions
Lutherans get their name from the Reformer, Martin Luther. Dr. Martin Luther was a German monk and scholar. The Reformation took place in the 1500's. Martin Luther did not wish that his followers be called Lutherans, but they were and we are. 
We Lutherans believe, teach and confess:

· that God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit; yet one God - the Triune God

· that God is Creator of all things, Preserver and Sovereign

· that the Bible is God's Word to call People to Jesus Christ and to correction in righteousness

· that the Spirit of God stirs people to believe in God

· that salvation is obtained through GRACE, that it is a gift from God through his Son, Jesus Christ, and not through good works

· that good works are an outpouring of our faith in Jesus Christ

For a more complete Statement of Scriptural and Confessional Principals from the LCMS Click Here: LCMS-Click Here

We of Grace Lutheran Church are members of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS). A synod is a council of churches. This "council" is a group of church officials and theologians who regulate and administer matters of doctrine and discipline.
For a full understanding of our confessions an instructional class is offered. Contact Pastor Rich for times and dates of the next class. A very good resource for your immediate inquires is to visit the LCMS website and read their large FAQs section.